Internationalization (i18n)
AdminJS has the default set of texts prepared in some languages. But nothing stands in the way for you to change each of them or even translate AdminJS to a different language.
Locale option and basic translations
All the translations can be overridden by using AdminJSOptions#locale property.
You can enable translation for all languages built in AdminJS by adding locale
object to AdminJS options
AdminJS options extend i18n configuration and allow to configure external params like:
main language of application
array of supported langages keys
allows adding or override language translations as Record<langKey, Locale>
To set the default language you can use language property
If you would like to constrain available languages to specific you have to modify availableLanguages
AdminJS translations can be managed by backend services using i18next-http-backend package. To enable this option set withBackend
variable to true
Default translations can be extended or changed by passing language
translations object into locale
config object. Below is a simple example:
Translations groups
All the translation keys are divided into the following groups:
actions - translations for all actions - both default actions, and those created by you.
buttons - translations for all kinds of buttons.
messages - translations for all messages in the app
labels - translations for all labels - usually one word. Labels are used to translate resource names.
properties - translations for all properties.
pages - (new in version 7) translations for your pages labels
components - (new in version 7) a section which allows you to scope translations to components
All of them can be specified globally or for a specific resource.
More detailed example
Let's assume that you want to translate your admin panel into Polish.
This is what it could look like:
Take a closer look at this example because it contains a different edge cases like translating the
add new item
button for a particular property, or translating labels for your database enums.
Using i18n in your application and in AdminJS
In the case that you use i18next in your app already, you need to initialize AdminJS in your i18next init callback. In this way AdminJS will add new translations to existing ones:
How to use translations in my custom actions/components
Custom components can also be translated as described (add link) Custom component internationalization
Overriding language detection
Sometimes it might be useful to override language detection. You can do this by setting langu
age value to 'cimode
You can also set locale
value based on currentAdmin
object (which holds logged user details)
More options...
On the backend, we use library. So make sure to check out their docs to read more about all the possible options.
Also, you can always check the default English translation file available in our repo here.
Last updated