
is responsible for editing record in a given resource

Endpoint: /api/resources/[RESOURCE-ID]/records/[RECORD-ID]/edit

Method: POST

Request payload:

  • FormData Object with all required fields for the given resource


  • redirectUrl - URL that the user should be directed to after a successful update

  • notice

    • message - the message that is later displayed in the dashboard

    • type - a type of response, possible values are success,error,info

  • record - record you're requesting

    • params - all record data

    • id - record id

    • title - record title

    • recordActions- list all actions and their parameters available on this record

    • bulkActions- list of all bulk actions and their parameters available on this record

  • records - list of records with resource metadata


Endpoint: https://demo.adminjs.co/admin/api/resources/User/actions/new


    email: "client@adminjs.co",
    firstName: "ClientName",
    lastName: "ClientSurname",
    gender: "male",
    isMyFavourite: true


      "message":"Successfully updated given record",
         "firstName":"Admin Name",
         "lastName":"Admin Surname",
            "guard":"Do you really want to remove this item?",
            "label":"Delete all",

Last updated