Before reading this article, make sure you have set up an AdminJS instance using one of the supported Plugins.
Additionally, you should have installed @adminjs/mikroorm as described in Getting started section.
There are small differences in how you connect MikroORM to Nest.js vs other plugins, so the guide will be split into two sections accordingly.
Example model:
import { v4 } from 'uuid'
import { BaseEntity, Entity, PrimaryKey, Property } from '@mikro-orm/core'
export interface IOwner {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
age: number;
@Entity({ tableName: 'owners' })
export class Owner extends BaseEntity<Owner, 'id'> implements IOwner {
@PrimaryKey({ columnType: 'uuid' })
id = v4()
@Property({ fieldName: 'first_name', columnType: 'text' })
firstName: string
@Property({ fieldName: 'last_name', columnType: 'text' })
lastName: string
@Property({ fieldName: 'age', columnType: 'integer' })
age: number
@Property({ fieldName: 'created_at', columnType: 'timestamptz' })
createdAt: Date = new Date()
fieldName: 'updated_at',
columnType: 'timestamptz',
onUpdate: () => new Date(),
updatedAt: Date = new Date()
Make sure you have followed the tutorial for the framework you are using in the Plugins section.
The configuration for non-Nest.js plugins is basically the same for each one of them:
You must initialize MikroORM before creating AdminJS instance
You must import AdminJSMikroORM adapter and register it
You must import the entities you want to use and pass them to AdminJS resources options
// ... other imports
import { MikroORM } from '@mikro-orm/core'
import * as AdminJSMikroORM from '@adminjs/mikroorm'
import { Owner } from './owner.entity.js'
Resource: AdminJSMikroORM.Resource,
Database: AdminJSMikroORM.Database,
// Note: `config` is your MikroORM configuration as described in it's docs
const config = {
entities: [Owner],
dbName: 'adminjs',
type: 'postgresql',
clientUrl: 'postgres://adminjs:adminjs@localhost:5435/adminjs',
// ... other code
const start = async () => {
const orm = await MikroORM.init(config)
const adminOptions = {
// We pass Owner to `resources`
resources: [{
resource: { model: Owner, orm },
options: {}
// Please note that some plugins don't need you to create AdminJS instance manually,
// instead you would just pass `adminOptions` into the plugin directly,
// an example would be "@adminjs/hapi"
const admin = new AdminJS(adminOptions)
// ... other code
Your app.module.ts should have imports option which contains:
MikroOrmModule.forRoot(...) to set up MikroORM:
// Note: this is a default configuration from Nest.js documentation
entities: ['./dist/entities'],
entitiesTs: ['./src/entities'],
dbName: 'my-db-name.sqlite3',
type: 'sqlite',
AdminModule.createAdminAsync({ ... }
In your app.module.ts add these imports at the top of the file:
import * as AdminJSMikroORM from '@adminjs/mikroorm'
import AdminJS from 'adminjs'
Following this, register AdminJSMikroORM adapter somewhere after your imports:
This will allow you to pass MikroORM models for AdminJS to load. If we use the Owner entity that we used as en example earlier, you should import it into app.module.ts and pass it into resources in your adminJsOptions: